Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fixing the broken chair...

Since starting this blog I've veered a bit off the topic of governance with some of the posts. So I've set a up a more general web fixing blog here: http://thebrokenchair.blogspot.com/.
Over the next week or so I'll move the non-governance posts to this new blog (or bog).

Friday, March 20, 2009

An easy to follow articale on intranet strategy

Found this today - Intranet strategy: planning a successful intranet

A great summary of the principles of strategy in an easy to follow form. Also buried in the second para is another plug for good governance. Notice how the strategy links objectives with measures (KPI).

Monday, January 19, 2009

The principles of content strategy

This post is probably moving to the outer edges of the discussion on web governance. However, I think there is relevance given the emphases I’ve placed in other posts on establishing strategy. Last week I stumbled on two interesting articles introducing the principles of content strategy.
  1. The Discipline of Content Strategy by Kristina Halvorson
  2. Content Strategy: The Philosophy of Data by Rachel Lovinger
I like how these articles:
  • Link strategy with audience; particular the interactive elements
  • Argue for a holistic approach which draws together the different web design activities together with content.

This neatly highlighted the weakness of over compartmentalising the various web management activities. Activities such as; a discoverability strategy, an IA, a UCD methodology, a CMS, etc, need to be linked and contextualised to be effective. A content strategy could be an approach to this. However, I’m not entirely convinced that creating another formal web discipline, the ‘Content Strategist’ is really helpful or necessary.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The ANAO highlights the importance of governance

A recently published review on the management of Commonwealth web sites by the ANAO has in my mind confirmed many of the themes raised in this blogg. From my initial reading the majority of the findings and recommendations are tied closely to how agencies approach governance of their web activities. Summarising the summary, the report suggests that Commonwealth agencies:

  1. Clarify the purpose of their web sites, ensure these align with business goals, and review this periodically
  2. Extend risk management planning to include web sites
  3. Improve the management content through a combination of; periodic review, better defining responsibilities and implementing supporting business process
  4. Monitor and report on the cost of websites

The full details of the report

Government Agencies’ Management of their Websites, The Auditor General - Audit Report No.13 2008–09, Australian National Audit Office, 2008